Bob Rautenberg, Helen Rautenberg
Helen, James Cross
Agent Frank gets a scare
Agent Frank subdues Billy
Randy Lawrence-Hurt
Yuull due whit ay say
Not again
The Cast
Helen Rautenberg
Meggin Dail, Bob Rautenberg
Gordon Brooks, Meggin Dail
What are you doing?
Git in thit closit, Naah
It's a little hard to understand you when you get angry.
What's happening next door?
Phoebe VanScoy-Giessler, James Cross
We've got you covered
I can't find my husband
Video by Amy Knapp and Megan Rohrbacher
The Set and cast members
Bob Rautenberg
Are you sure?
We support your orientation whatever it may be
Todd, how you've changed.
Dint mik me angrih
Big Mac comes to the rescue
Todd in his work clothes
Sometimes they die before he finishes