Robin Charland, Priscilla Adams, Rick Tessari and the girls
An Uncle of yours
Patriotic dance
Dan Charlton
Mike Lionetta
Bad Gigolo!
Kaylin Dean
I can't do it.
Tori Neal
The Cast
Helen Rautenberg, Barbara Curtis, Hilde Talbot, Jessica Reinert, and the contestants
Norman Rautenberg, THE CAR, and children
The Newsboys and Kiosk
John Findlay, Corey Hale, Vinny Amico, Randi Talbot, Mike Lionetta
Priscilla Adams, Steve Curtis, Wayne Gehman
Everything's Coming up Roses
June is gone
CrystalLauer, Emily Ayers, Mandy Ferriman
Ooooo! Look at this.
Show us your talent
Rose's Turn
Children growing
All grown up
It's a Train and cow
What are you doing Mr. Kringelein (Russ Ellis)?
Have an egg roll, Mr. Goldstone (Don Hargy).
Another spoon? Joyce Wood
Be a good girl
Phoebe VanScoy-Giessler
The Orchestra