The cast. Josh Spaulding, Max Gehring, Anna Jortikka, Silas St. James, Meggin Dail, Bob Rautenberg, Beth Marsh, Molly Gloeckner, Emily Marsh, Rick Tessari. Back row: Garrison Barron, Christian Boudman, Philip Reilly, Luke Cassidy
Manging director Craig (Josh Spaulding) gives instructions to the Playhouse members. Max Gehring, Meggin Dail, Bob Rautenberg, Molly Gloeckner, Beth Marsh, Luke Cassidy, Philip Reilly, Rick Tessari, Emily Marsh, Anna Jortikka, Silas St. James, Garrison Barron, Christian Boudman
Henry (Max Gehring) and Sarah (Meggin Dail) laugh it up
The Oldtimers tell the theater interns about glory days at The Playhouse
Dracul (Silas St. James) argues with Jack (Garrison Barron) about how to play the scene
Garrison Barron as Charlie's Aunt serves tea
Vernon (Christian Boudman) becomes a crocodile in Teatime on the Savannah
Sarah (Meggin Dail) watches while Gordon (Bob Rautenberg) practices Hamlet
Tea is Served. Anna Jortikka, Luke Cassidy, Silas St. James
Shooting the bat. Garrison Barron, Christian Boudman, Rick Tessari
Backstage during Hamlet
Craig (Josh Spaulding) admits to Daisy (Emily Marsh) that the skull is that of Ethel Barnes Stein
Susannah (Molly Gloeckner) appears with a bowl of crab dip on her head. Looking on are Meggin Dail, Bob Rautenberg, Emily Marsh, and standing Philip Reilly, Beth Marsh, Luke Cassidy