This form may be completed on-line, but must then be printed and mailed to the above address along with supporting documentation. Do NOT email the completed form to us. Fill it out, save it as VP Application on your computer, then print and mail it to us.

Parents' Names:
Street Address:
Mailing Address:
Member of Village Players (includes family membership)
        Enter Yes or No:
High School Currently Attending or Completed:
Post-secondary Institution Attending or Planning to Attend:
         Major:          Minor:

Please list all courses or training you have completed which are related to the arts (Please include dates and type without using "enter" - use commas to separate the items):

Please list all organizations related to the arts ofwhich you have been a member (Please include dates and type without using "enter" - use commas to separate the items):

Please attach at least one letter of recommendation and any further documentation attesting to your eligibility and/or qualifications for this scholarship.

In 500 words or less please tell us about your experience with the arts to date and how you plan to incorporate the arts in your adult life. Also, include any other information about yourself which you think the committee should be aware of.